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Lawren Pratt, P.E., LEED AP, M.ASCE has been elected as ASCE’s Region 5 Director by a majority of voting Region 5 members, following a month-long election that closed June 1, 2020. Lawren assumes the new role after many years of leadership as the Region 5 Governor of Alabama, Past President of the Alabama Section, and Past President of the Birmingham Branch. Since the creation of ASCE Regions in 2006, Lawren will be the first Region Director from the State of Alabama.
Region 5, which is one of ten regions worldwide, is comprised of all the Sections and Branches within the states of Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Louisiana, Mississippi, and Puerto Rico representing over 14,455 members. The purpose of Region 5 is to advance the Civil Engineering profession by inspiring members, creating excitement, and promoting Excellence in Civil Engineering.
Congratulations, LP! We look forward to your continued service to the Civil Engineering profession!