2022 Winter Meeting in Huntsville

Thanks to the ASCE Huntsville Branch for hosting this year’s 2022 ASCE Alabama Winter Meeting! Despite some unfortunate last-minute restrictions by the venue that required us to limit our registration to 60 people, we still had a successful event and ended up with a room full of engineers from all over the state to be a part of an engaging and informative agenda. One lucky engineer even walked away with bragging rights for being the last one standing in a competitive and exciting “Rock, Paper, Scissors” tournament run by our leadership speaker!

The event was hosted at the new Redstone Federal Credit Union Twickenham Center located in downtown Huntsville and provided some great views of the city. We were joined by Mayor Battle and the entire day was filled with educational and interactive presentations.

Due to space constraints, no exhibitors were allowed to attend. However, that did not keep our sponsors away. We are very thankful to the many sponsors that made this year’s Winter Meeting in the Rocket City a great success, we could not have done it without them!

Click on the following link for presentations and photos from the event – https://www.alabama-asce.org/2022-winter-meeting/

Newly Installed 2021-2022 Section Officers

The new officers elected by the ASCE Alabama Section membership at our recent ASCE/APWA AL Summer Meeting were installed today during the Board of Directors transition meeting held in Montgomery, AL. Many of our Branch Presidents and Branch Directors were present as our Region 5 Director Lawren Pratt installed the new officers.

These new officers pledged to uphold the governing documents of ASCE and to faithfully discharge the duties of the office to which they have been elected, to the best of their abilities.

In order to succeed, they must have the support and commitment of the other members of ASCE. Our members are asked to support these officers by assisting whenever they are called upon for help and by providing encouragement and advise.

Please join us in welcoming and encouraging the new officers:

President John Corbell, P.E., Huntsville Branch
President-Elect Chris Jones, P.E., Dothan Branch
Vice-President Charles Weber, P.E., Mobile Branch
Secretary-Treasurer Shelby Musgrove, Huntsville Branch
Past-President Maggie P. Weems, PE, Birmingham Branch

2021 ASCE and APWA Summer Meeting – Perdido Beach Resort

The 2021 Summer Meeting of the Alabama Section of ASCE and Alabama Chapter of APWA was held on July 12 – 14, 2021 at the Perdido Beach Resort in Orange Beach, Alabama for educational presentations on a range of professional and technical topics.

The conference was a very exciting conference at a great venue. The program kicked off with a reception on Monday evening, July 12th. The conference sessions took place all day Tuesday, and until noon on Wednesday. There was a Seafood Dinner on Tuesday evening.

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