Tuscaloosa Branch Raises $1,100 for Charity
October 12, 2017 – As the new officers took their positions in October 2016 in the ASCE Tuscaloosa Branch, the President, Ashley Tu, set a few goals for the 2017 year. One of those goals was to plan a social event. A lot of our members are not able to make the monthly meetings so planning a social event after work would give them an opportunity to come together and spend time with the other members. After discussions were held at the monthly meetings, it was decided a social in the fall would be best for everyone’s schedule. However, as Hurricane Harvey, Irma, and eventually Nate hit the country, the officers knew they needed to give back. It was decided among the Branch officers that the social event should be more than just a get together. They wanted to center the social event around giving back to hurricane relief. Ashley Tu stated at the September monthly meeting “Living in Tuscaloosa, the majority of us have probably not experienced a hurricane personally, but we have all lived through a tornado and remember when others gave back to help our community”.
The event was held on October 12, 2017 at the Hotel Indigo rooftop venue. Members were charged $10 to attend and encouraged to bring their spouses. They were also encouraged to give more than the required $10. Our Branch rented a private room at the venue and provided heavy hors d’oeuvres. One hundred percent of the donated money raised was given to Samaritan’s Purse, a charity that is assisting in hurricane relief. This charity was remembered by members as being present assisting Tuscaloosa after the April 2011 tornado. The total money raised was over $1,100 with over 30 members showing up to contribute. There was such positive feedback from the members who attended that hosting a social event annually will likely be continued by the Tuscaloosa ASCE Branch.