Welcome to the Alabama Section of the American Society of Civil Engineers....

The Alabama Section of the American Society of Civil Engineers has a rich history and offers a variety of services, resources, and programs in support of our members. Alabama Section members come from all disciplines of civil engineering, from all types of backgrounds, and from all corners of this great state. They seek to be involved in the Alabama Section of ASCE for benefits geared to meet the high standards of the profession and to stay on the cutting edge of industry technology. The resources of this site and the individual webpages of each Branch will assist you in staying up to date on upcoming events, Branch information, Section news, Society programs, and much more. We appreciate your interest in our organization and look forward to your participation in the Alabama Section of ASCE.

Alabama Establishes First State Dam Safety Program

On July 17, 2023, Governor Kay Ivey hosted a ceremonial bill signing for Senate Bill 284 establishing a Dam Safety Program for the State of Alabama. The legislation allows dam owners to opt-in to a statewide program, including inspections, the preparation and implementation of emergency action plans for certain dams, and the notification to a local emergency management agency of any new dam construction.

The ASCE Alabama Section has been working with state policymakers for years on the need for the state to implement a dam safety program. Alabama Section Advocacy Captain Joe Meads, P.E. stated, “The Alabama Section of ASCE began working in 2012 with a coalition of other industry partners to pursue legislation for a Safe Dam Law in Alabama. Developing a strong coalition and having the leadership of State Senator Clyde Chambliss, P.E. was instrumental in helping to pass legislation for the 1st step in Dam Safety Legislation. We have more work to do; but we have momentum, and we will build off of our initial success.”

The program allows the state to begin to explore how an inspection program would work on a smaller scale. S.B. 284, along with a previously approved dam safety pilot study, which is currently underway, sets a foundation for Alabama to join the rest of the nation’s state dam safety programs.


The 6th Annual Alabama Civil Engineering Legislative Day Drive-In was held on Thursday, May 11, 2023, at the Alabama Department of Archives & History and Alabama State House in Montgomery, Alabama. The Alabama Section of the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE), the American Council of Engineer Companies (ACEC) of Alabama, the Alabama Section of the Institute of Transportation Engineers (ALSITE) is teamed up to host the event!  Senator Clyde Chambliss, P.E. spoke to the group about the legislative issues facing the State of Alabama and bills affecting Civil Engineers.  At the conclusion of the event, attendees visited with their legislators in order to engage them about infrastructure!

2023 Winter Meeting at Protective Stadium

Thanks to the Birmingham Branch of ASCE for hosting the 2023 ASCE Alabama Winter Meeting! The venue was breathe taking, and we ended up with a room full of engineers from all over the State of Alabama to take part of an engaging and informative agenda.  The event was hosted at The Stadium Club at Protective Stadium located in downtown Birmingham.  The entire day was filled with educational and interactive presentations. Following the wonderful presentations, attendees enjoyed a walking tour of the City Walk Project! We are very thankful to the many sponsors and exhibitors that made this year’s Winter Meeting in Birmingham a great success and, we could not have done it without them! See you in the Montgomery Area in 2024!

Click below to see presentations and photos from the meeting!
