Welcome to the Alabama Section of the American Society of Civil Engineers....

The Alabama Section of the American Society of Civil Engineers has a rich history and offers a variety of services, resources, and programs in support of our members. Alabama Section members come from all disciplines of civil engineering, from all types of backgrounds, and from all corners of this great state. They seek to be involved in the Alabama Section of ASCE for benefits geared to meet the high standards of the profession and to stay on the cutting edge of industry technology. The resources of this site and the individual webpages of each Branch will assist you in staying up to date on upcoming events, Branch information, Section news, Society programs, and much more. We appreciate your interest in our organization and look forward to your participation in the Alabama Section of ASCE.

Section and Branch Meetings and Events – Cancelled Until Further Notice

In keeping with Canon 1 of the ASCE Code of Ethics (Engineers shall hold paramount the safety, health, and welfare of the public….), ASCE has been closely evaluating the impact of the coronavirus (COVID-19). The uncertainty surrounding COVID-19 is a challenge for us all, and we have been working to provide certainty to our volunteer leaders, members, and participants wherever possible. We appreciate your patience and support.

ASCE recognizes that the various national, state, local, university and company mandates related to travel and group gatherings have made it all but impossible for our various entities to continue operations as normal.  Moreover, ASCE believes that the circumstances of the COVID-19 outbreak have evolved to the point that decisive action is needed to reduce the risk of adverse COVID-19 health impacts to the thousands of ASCE members, guests and staff that participate in ASCE committee meetings, conferences and events.

To that end, all in-person ASCE Region, Section and Branch events and activities be cancelled until further notice.  

We recognize that this is a serious and evolving situation and will continue to provide updates at COVID-19 ASCE Event Cancellations and Updates.

2020 Civil Engineer Legislative Day

On March 4, 2020, over fifty (50) Civil Engineers and Industry professionals attended the 4th Annual Civil Engineering Legislative Day Drive-In that was held at the Alabama Department of Archives and History / Alabama State House in Montgomery, Alabama. The Alabama Section of the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE), the American Council of Engineer Companies (ACEC) of Alabama, the Alabama Section of the Institute of Transportation Engineers (ALSITE) teamed up to host the event!

Senator Clyde Chambliss, P.E. along with Lieutenant Governor Will Ainsworth spoke to the group about legislative issues, the legislative process, infrastructure funding, and work force development initiatives in the State of Alabama. The attendees also received a presentation about the proposed Senate Bill 126 which would provide certain prohibitions, authorizations, and requirements for contracts for the professional services of a design professionals. Many engineers had great engagement and conversations with their State Senators and Representatives about Senate Bill 126.

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Montgomery Branch Awarded the Outstanding Section and Branch Website Award

Feb. 1, 2020 –  The Montgomery Branch of the Alabama Section has been awarded ASCE’s 2019 Outstanding Section and Branch Web Award for Small Sections and Branches by the Leader Training Committee. This is the third time in four years that the Montgomery Branch has been selected for the web award. Presenting the award to Mr. Taylor Janney, Montgomery Branch Secretary, is ASCE President-Elect Jean-Louis Briaud.